Thursday, November 27, 2008

To Be... v2 c3

The last-but-one chapter in the series, this one is a one-shot called Powder Snow. It's a high school love story, which ended up reminding me of many, many incidents in my high school days (we were all young once) and people I hadn't thought about in years. I even dreamt about junior high last night. Buggered if I remember what it was about though.

Powder Snow

Monday, November 24, 2008

Umishi chapter 08

If you've been following Umishi, you may have noticed that next to nothing/zilch/zip/nada has happened so far. Don't worry, the story picks up from volume 2 onwards. In the meantime, enjoy the last chapter of volume 1!

Umishi chapter 8

Saturday, November 22, 2008

More suggestions

Kaiji - Okay, it's time to come clean. It's not that I dislike Kaiji. It's inferior to Akagi but it's not a bad show. It's just so very frustrating to watch. Before Kaiji makes a single move he has to spend 10 minutes explaining everything to one of the grunts or to himself, only to have somebody mess things up, every single episode. This is AFTER Tonegawa has spent 15 minutes prattling on, of course. And then there's all that unseemly crying, it's sickening to watch. I've seen less crying in a soap opera, okay? And for all the money on the line there's still more suspense in 5 seconds of Akagi than there is in 20 minutes of Kaiji. I mean, don't you even WANT Kaiji to fail? He got himself into those situations, he can bloody well get himself out of it. Carbuncle on the backside of humanity and all that. AND WTF IS WITH THAT ENDING!?!?

In summary, I'm not going to do it. Sorry to disappoint the fans.

Kitsune no Yomeiri - Based on just one chapter I like the main character and I'd like to see what happens next. The story is straight from Seto no Hanayome, but more coherent. However since it's such a new manga the only scans available are likely to be magazine scans, which I absolutely don't want to handle. Let me know when volume 1 raws are available and I'll take another look at it.

G Senjou Heaven's Door - At first I thought I would do it because there's only a few chapters left and the raws are available... but then I actually read it. I don't like it in the least. I couldn't make it past chapter 2. Maybe it gets interesting later on, but I couldn't work up the urge to read more.

Takaya - It's terrible. It's seriously terrible. Wow. I liked the one-shot, though.

Adesugata Junjou Boy - I haven't found any raws to check this out yet. In my experience gender bending and crossdressing series start out funny and go straight down the drain. But I'll hold off judgment till I can actually read it.

Chousekitan Maze Bakunetsu Jikuu - There's a Maze manga, really? When I find raws I'll check it out.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

To Be... v2 c2

This week's chapter is a Jou-kun special! It's also the last chapter of To Be... proper. The last two chapters are one-shots.

To Be... chapter 6

Monday, November 17, 2008

Umishi chapter 07

Scanslation has gotten pretty difficult of late, because the piece of trash mouse I bought to replace my old piece of trash mouse is getting increasingly unmanageable. It goes down when I tell it to go up, clicks when I haven't told it to, moves further than I ask it to... Well, what'd I expect for $6?

Umishi chapter 7
EDIT: Whoa, I just realized the majority of my posts are incredibly whiny. How shameful, especially when my life is going so well. I'll do better from now on.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Umishi chapter 06

I've been having the most incredible week (in a bad way). You know this chapter's been ready since Monday and I just haven't been able to release it? I won't believe it's released until I actually hit the send button and it works. Here goes nothing!

Umishi chapter 6. That took TWO days!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

To Be... v2 c1

Uploadjockey is being a cow tonight, so we're going with zSHARE instead.

To Be... chapter 5.
Chapter 5

Friday, November 7, 2008

Umishi chapter 05

Actually I'd hoped to be releasing To Be... tonight, but I underestimated the amount of work the chapter needed, and now my neck hurts so I'm going to bed.

Take this chapter of Umishi that I was saving for later instead, and To Be... will be ready when To Be... is ready.

Umishi Chapter 5

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Umishi chapter 04

Rintarou's still being Rintarou as only Rintarou can be.

Umishi Chapter 4

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Umishi chapter 03

You can read more about Nitrogen narcosis here:

It sounds like fun, except for, you know, the whole dying thing.

Also if anyone can shed some light on why they called Rintarou's dive a jackknife when all he did was jump into the water, I'd be grateful.

Umishi Chapter 3