My stomach hurts. Too much Christmas food and Christmas wine. It's a good kind of hurt, though :-D And it doesn't hurt so bad that I wasn't able to bring you chapter 77. Enjoy! (Also Maaya is an idiot, but you knew that already).
Umishi chapter 77
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Umishi chapter 76
Phew! First term of grad school over, thank God! I'll try and get this arc over with before the next term starts in about a month's time, but don't hold your breath. Thanks for your patience, though.
That three-month blank of no releases wasn't by choice, I was just way, waaaay too busy to do anything except work and study. I'd like to spend this holiday catching up on my sleep, but if I can catch up on Umishi as well, that'd be great.
Umishi chapter 76
Merry Christmas!
That three-month blank of no releases wasn't by choice, I was just way, waaaay too busy to do anything except work and study. I'd like to spend this holiday catching up on my sleep, but if I can catch up on Umishi as well, that'd be great.
Umishi chapter 76
Merry Christmas!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
No Side chapter 26
In the last chapter Bentendou lost their best played and found themselves 'Suarezed' first by the wind and then by lightning. Will things get worse in this chapter or is there any hope out there for the team? Find out in chapter 26, below.
Chapter 26
Chapter 26
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Umishi chapter 74
You know, for a world-class salvage master, I'm astonished at the number of things Sawamura has forgotten to check or just assumed in this case. First there was the whole gas leak thing, where he conveniently managed to blame the whole thing on the Coast Guard, and now... Well, you'll see when you read this chapter.
I think this is what is called "Plot Induced Stupidity", where otherwise sensible people do dumb things just to make the manga dramatic.
Umishi chapter 74
I think this is what is called "Plot Induced Stupidity", where otherwise sensible people do dumb things just to make the manga dramatic.
Umishi chapter 74
Friday, August 20, 2010
Umishi chapter 73
When I come across a chapter like this, with extensive redrawing on almost every page, I can't help feeling that the artist has it in for me. Like Takemura was psychic or something and thought "How do I make this really painful for anyone who wants to scanlate this 4 years from now?" Anyway, it took a while but now it's done. Here you go.
Umishi chapter 73
Umishi chapter 73
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
No Side chapter 25
The last chapter in volume 3 and then we get to move on. You don't need to know anything about Buddhism or mandalas to understand this chapter, but for the few curious ones, wikipedia is as helpful as ever.
Womb Realm Mandala
Diamond Realm Mandala
Chapter 25
I just finished translating Umishi vol 8 yesterday, and I'll be done with No Side volume 4 today so I'm feeling pretty good about myself. So good, in fact, that I'll take the rest of the week off. See ya!
Womb Realm Mandala
Diamond Realm Mandala
Chapter 25
I just finished translating Umishi vol 8 yesterday, and I'll be done with No Side volume 4 today so I'm feeling pretty good about myself. So good, in fact, that I'll take the rest of the week off. See ya!
diamond realm,
ikeda fumiharu,
no side,
womb realm
Friday, August 6, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Internet problems
I've had Umishi 72 ready for the past week, but my internet connection won't stay stable long enough for me to upload it anywhere. So...yeah. I'll have to make time to go to a cafe this weekend or something.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
No Side chapter 24
Still no luck on the raw front, so releases continue as usual. Anyone still wondering what a kaleidoscope is (what do they teach kids in school these days?!) can check wikipedia.
Chapter 24
Thanks for all the suggestions I've received over the past months and weeks. However I've decided that I won't be picking up any new series once I'm done with Umishi and No Side so I can focus on grad school. Of course finishing those two series is still a long way away judging by my current pace (especially for Umishi), but I thought I'd give everyone a heads up.
Chapter 24
Thanks for all the suggestions I've received over the past months and weeks. However I've decided that I won't be picking up any new series once I'm done with Umishi and No Side so I can focus on grad school. Of course finishing those two series is still a long way away judging by my current pace (especially for Umishi), but I thought I'd give everyone a heads up.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Umishi chapter 71
I had to do research on fuel sealing systems and all sorts of other things just to make sense of this chapter. I learn something new every chapter.
Umishi chapter 71
About No Side, I still haven't heard from the person who said he had better raws, so I'm going to proceed with the horrible ones as usual. I can always (get someone to) release HQ versions in the future.
EDIT: I have just been informed that the word is Gland Packing, not Grand Packing. It all looks the same in Japanese.
I had to do research on fuel sealing systems and all sorts of other things just to make sense of this chapter. I learn something new every chapter.
Umishi chapter 71
About No Side, I still haven't heard from the person who said he had better raws, so I'm going to proceed with the horrible ones as usual. I can always (get someone to) release HQ versions in the future.
EDIT: I have just been informed that the word is Gland Packing, not Grand Packing. It all looks the same in Japanese.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Umishi chapter 70
Here's your Umishi for July. This chapter contains a small treat for all Tokkyuu fans. Personally I always found the character designs a little too frog-like to be taken seriously so I've never been able to get into it. Shallow, but there you have it.
Umishi chapter 70
I'm all footballed out now (*cough*all my favourite teams are out*cough*) so I'll be working on translations a little more now. I'm already working on No Side volume 4. Speaking of which, I got a message from someone with much better raws, so if talks pan out you'll be able to see higher-quality versions of chapters 22 and 23 and subsequent ones in the near future. I hope so, once I'm actually able to get in touch with the guy.
Umishi chapter 70
I'm all footballed out now (*cough*all my favourite teams are out*cough*) so I'll be working on translations a little more now. I'm already working on No Side volume 4. Speaking of which, I got a message from someone with much better raws, so if talks pan out you'll be able to see higher-quality versions of chapters 22 and 23 and subsequent ones in the near future. I hope so, once I'm actually able to get in touch with the guy.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
No Side chapter 23
Wheee! The World Cup is so much fun! I'm not much of a football fan, but once every four years I go all out and just enjoy the mood! It's like the Olympics, but better. Not to mention I spent most of 2006 working and studying and working some more, so it's been eight years since I got to cut loose like this. Yay!
No Side chapter 23
"Taito Sports" is supposed to be "Daito Sports", I just forgot to fix it before I uploaded the chapter.
No Side chapter 23
"Taito Sports" is supposed to be "Daito Sports", I just forgot to fix it before I uploaded the chapter.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Umishi chapter 69
Here's your Umishi for June and now I must be off. I've got a World Cup to watch! *ka-pwing!*
Umishi c69
Oh, and all mangahelpers links are down, for obvious reasons. I'll get round to deleting them eventually.
Umishi c69
Oh, and all mangahelpers links are down, for obvious reasons. I'll get round to deleting them eventually.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
No Side chapter 22
As promised, here's chapter 22 of No Side. You can read earlier chapters at Mangafox, or just use google for other sources. This chapter contains a lot of nudity so reader discretion is advised.
No Side chapter 22
The raws are very bad, so if anyone has/knows where I can find better ones, please share. Right now I could use some help cleaning these. It would make the series come out way faster if I could just focus on translating and typesetting and let someone else prepare the raws. As you can see, my standards aren't very high. I just have a few stipulations:
1. Don't resize anything
2. Separating the pages is optional (I left them alone)
3. Removing gutter shadow is optional (I left it alone)
4. Don't overlevel. Less is more when it comes to bad raws
5. Removing all the dirt is optional, but get rid of what you can without spoiling the art. See #4.
6. Do NOT use any filters. None. No, not even NeatImage. And certainly not those awful Topaz ones that turn everything into blurry grey blobs.
If you look at the raws and think you can do all that...hmm, let's see... send me an e-mail at [removed] and we'll talk. Ideally I'm looking for people who can take on whole volumes at a time, but if you can do even one chapter that'd be a big help.
No Side chapter 22
The raws are very bad, so if anyone has/knows where I can find better ones, please share. Right now I could use some help cleaning these. It would make the series come out way faster if I could just focus on translating and typesetting and let someone else prepare the raws. As you can see, my standards aren't very high. I just have a few stipulations:
1. Don't resize anything
2. Separating the pages is optional (I left them alone)
3. Removing gutter shadow is optional (I left it alone)
4. Don't overlevel. Less is more when it comes to bad raws
5. Removing all the dirt is optional, but get rid of what you can without spoiling the art. See #4.
6. Do NOT use any filters. None. No, not even NeatImage. And certainly not those awful Topaz ones that turn everything into blurry grey blobs.
If you look at the raws and think you can do all that...hmm, let's see... send me an e-mail at [removed] and we'll talk. Ideally I'm looking for people who can take on whole volumes at a time, but if you can do even one chapter that'd be a big help.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Umishi chapter 68

Umishi chapter 68
no side,
Wa ga na wa Umishi,
Yoichi Komori,
Yuji Takemura
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Umishi chapter 67

Uhh, what I going to say? Oh yeah, I'm putting the hiatus off for one more chapter so I can finish up volume 7, so expect chapter 68 in a few days. Also it's not going to be total blackout, I'll still try and release a chapter every month or so just to keep things flowing.
Umishi chapter 67
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Umishi chapter 66
See, the number 66 is close to 666, maybe that's why I had so much trouble putting the chapter out. Photoshop CS2 finally quit without notice, forcing me to get CS3, which was all well and good except it makes my laptop run hotter than fire, which makes editing very uncomfortable. And that's not even counting the boredom and laziness I mentioned in my last post. So tired...
Umishi chapter 66
Umishi chapter 66
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Umishi on hiatus?
I managed to get Photoshop back in line, though it still freezes every once in a while. Thing is, I'm bored and I don't feel like translating Umishi any more. For a while anyway. If anyone's willing to step up to the plate, I'll happily do the editing and you can do the translating. Otherwise after I release chapter 67 I'm going to take a break and work on something else for a while, until I get my Umishi mojo back.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Haneda Airport, not Narita
I owe you guys an apology: I've been writing Narita Airport all along, but the airport in danger right now is actually Haneda Airport, also known as Tokyo International Airport. Subsequent chapters will refer to Haneda, and I might (might) redo the previous chapters to say Haneda, so don't be confused if you see Haneda from now on. Sorry for the mistake, that was careless of me.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Umishi chapter 64
*scritch scritch*
I'm bored.
I have a lot of work to do, and I've sworn off videogames until I get it done. As a result I'm not doing the work, and I'm not gaming either. But at least I can still edit manga, so it all works out. For you guys, anyway.
Umishi chapter 64
I'm bored.
I have a lot of work to do, and I've sworn off videogames until I get it done. As a result I'm not doing the work, and I'm not gaming either. But at least I can still edit manga, so it all works out. For you guys, anyway.
Umishi chapter 64
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Umishi chapter 63
If you're ever at sea in Japan and you run into trouble, don't call Tokkyuu! They'll just sit around in their ship/helicopter and throw dumb ideas around while you suffer down below in your ship. Pfft, and they call themselves a "Special Rescue Team". Bunch of amateurs!
Chapter 63
Chapter 63
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Umishi chapter 62, and No Side
It's been a while, huh? Hang in there, guys, the end of March is just around the corner, and then we'll have regular releases again (knock wood). IMO an arc hasn't really started until someone gets into the water, so as of this chapter, the LPG rescue arc has officially begun! Go, Sawa, go! And that other guy too.
Umishi chapter 62
Now, about No Side. I mentioned years ago that I might be interested in doing No Side at some point. Now that jfgslo has found raws, I can get started what I want to say, but given how busy I am and how bad the raws are, I can't do both translation and editing by myself. The plan for now is to get two or three chapters translated by the end of January and then hunt for an editor skilled at handling double-page spreads to do all the dirty work. [At this point someone's going to suggest I do the same for Umishi. And I'm going to shoot that person. DON'T TAKE AWAY MY ONLY PLEASURE!]
Ideally I'd like the raws to be at least 1200 high, but a deal is a deal so we'll see what we can do.
Umishi chapter 62
Now, about No Side. I mentioned years ago that I might be interested in doing No Side at some point. Now that jfgslo has found raws, I can get started what I want to say, but given how busy I am and how bad the raws are, I can't do both translation and editing by myself. The plan for now is to get two or three chapters translated by the end of January and then hunt for an editor skilled at handling double-page spreads to do all the dirty work. [At this point someone's going to suggest I do the same for Umishi. And I'm going to shoot that person. DON'T TAKE AWAY MY ONLY PLEASURE!]
Ideally I'd like the raws to be at least 1200 high, but a deal is a deal so we'll see what we can do.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Umishi chapter 61
I love how everybody in the manga instantly knows the destructive power of 1800m3 of LPG, it's so crazy. OMG, it's like a nuclear bomb! OMG! Do they go walking around town sizing up gas tanks and randomly measuring destructive powers or what? How do they know this stuff!?
Umishi chapter 61
Read online
Rapidshare is completely unusable now, so I'm trying something else. Let me know how it works out.
Umishi chapter 61
Read online
Rapidshare is completely unusable now, so I'm trying something else. Let me know how it works out.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Shojo manga?
Now that my Christmas break is over (SOB SOB, WAAAH), I'm starting to work on manga again, so Umishi should be out in a few days. I'm getting a craving for a short shojo series again, but you know what's stopping me? Strangely enough, it's fonts. It always takes me forever to think of what fonts to use for a new manga, and then shojo manga have like 3 or 4 fonts on every single page, it's hell switching back and forth. Working on "To Be" was fun though. So maybe...
Well, it's not like I've got a handle on the Umishi situation yet anyway, so I'll focus on that till my real-life situation eases up (God willing) in March.
Happy New Year!!
Well, it's not like I've got a handle on the Umishi situation yet anyway, so I'll focus on that till my real-life situation eases up (God willing) in March.
Happy New Year!!
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